Tuesday, August 28, 2007

30% return on investment in 1 days.....*GUARANTEE

got so excite on the title... :P....
recently saw some books saying that in share market... we should always look for those stocks which are doing PROMOTION... 20% lah.. 30% lah.. less from it true intrinsic value... but do you think of applying it in your daily life.. check this out... i always find this kind of stuff usefull for me. .. espeacially when me and my colleague have no idea where to have our lunch... :P

30% return on your investment in food... immediately...

there's another Financial Gurus which mentioned - the Latte Factor... which mean.. every 3 ringgit you save everyday ... you could be a millionair in 30 years... check this out as well...

the first step to become an MILLIONAIR... Save today...

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