Sunday, January 18, 2009

Petrol Subsidy Form / Borang Subsidi Minyak

Read a news today that the government might cancel the petrol subsidy. It's remind me that i my self haven't go and collect the claim for the subsidy yet. My road tax will be expired on March. Referring to some of my friends, we can only go and collect our claim when we go and make the road tax payment at post office. Wah......i think it wouldn't be possible if the government cancel the subsidy by February kut. Any how, for those who still haven't receive the subsidy, but have paid for the road tax, i urge them to go and collect. Cos money in you own pocket is any how better than money in people pocket. And together with this post, i attached the link for downloading the petrol subsidy claim form, and a sample guide to fill in the form :

Petrol Subsidy Cash Rebate Form / Borang subsidi petrol

Guide for filling up the form / Bantuan Isi borang

Wednesday, January 14, 2009



土方#1 - 田鸡焞小苦瓜
将3-4只宰杀干净的田鸡,配上3-4只切好了的小苦瓜(也有人叫做山苦瓜),放在炖器里炖上3个小时,取其汁。这方法好像蛮有效的,大姐的血小板指数从服用之前的40, 数小时后已经回升至48。

土方#2 - 连皮西瓜汁

土方#3 - 去气 100PLUS

土方#4 - 木瓜叶搅拌成汁