Thursday, December 31, 2015

Installing Print Screen feature to my china made pad (Homily WinPad)

just got my new Homily Winpad and figure out it doesn't have google play with it and unable to do a print screen. Therefore, i would like to share on how i add a print screen feature to my China made Homily WinPad.

1. Using the WinPad (Android) browser, download the following file

2. Install the app accordingly

3. Configure the app so that it start automatically every time you start you WinPad in Android.

4. you can capture any screen from android using the combination following combination keys:
[Power]+[Volume Down] for 2 seconds.

Sample screen captured / print screen. Nice and Sharp.

It's FREE so, enjoy everyone and happy new year.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Playing around with Arduino UNO R3 clone from China

Recently, I've been looking and reading articles about Arduino UNO R3. Search from Aliexpress awhile, and i decided to buy a cheap Arduino UNO R3 clone to play around with. After waited for 2 weeks plus, i finally get the board which look similar to this with the word "UNO" only, instead of "DCcEle DCcduino UNO":

First of all, setting up the environment :
1. Download and install the USB-Serial Driver. Saw from the chip surface, mine is using a "WCH CH340G", therefore, need to download the drive and setup separately :

Driver for Arduino Clone with WCH CH340G

2. Setup and configure Arduino IDE

  • Run into problem while running the Zip version of the IDE at first. Now, it run well after configured the "sketchpath" in "preferences.txt" located in the "lib" folder

After everything is set, and when i plug in the board, all i found is that i can compiled and verified my "Hello World" sketch successfully, but, the upload is unsuccessful. After a few digging, finally found the solution for it :

  • Luckily, i have a friend with a working UNO R3. Therefore i am using his Arduino UNO R3 as ISP.
  • First i open the example sketch "ArduinoISP" provided inside the IDE.
  • Upload the sketch into my friend's working board.
  • I connect my board as following :
alt text
  • Select "Arduino as ISP" as programmer
  • Select the serial port for the working Arduino
  • Press "Burn Bootloader"
Magic Happen... it seem like my cheap Arduino UNO R3 i bought from Aliexpress is not loaded with bootloader. And now, it's work flawlessly.


Tuesday, May 05, 2015

View your Android Screen remotely in you PC without additional devices.

This is one of the way i found out to view screen of my Android device in my Windows PC wireless-ly and FREE-ly without any additional device. I found that it's useful when i am presenting some android app and feature during the presentation. and further more it's FREE and only with few lines of command. And here is it :

1. download and extract a java app from the following URL :
2. To run the app, you need to have java run time configured which i am going to discuss here.
3. Run the java app above and connect your android device via a USB cable. you should be able to see your android screen in your pc. However to make it run wireless, follow the following steps.
4. You need to find out what the ip address that's assigned to your android device. Under your command prompt, run "./adb shell" follow by "netcfg" and quite the adb shell by issueing "exit"
5. Then issue the command "adb tcpip 5555"
6. follow by "adb connect [device ip]:5555"
7. There you are, you are now able to disconnect the USB and start to view your android device screen without wire.

Hope you enjoy this FREE thing.

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

My footprint for making video

Recently due to some reason, i have been needed to make so video, some of the resources i found below are very much useful when creating a very impressive video. However, too bad, not all of it are FREE. Just for the records, there it is :

For getting some looping sound :

For getting some nice photo and video to embedded into your video :

Monday, March 16, 2015

Android Debugging Without Wire / Using WIFI

Recently i have involved in developing android app. Debugging using a device with USB connection has been a disaster for me as i have a loosen USB cable. Therefore have do some finding and here the solution to debug android app without using the USB Cable :

1.First connect your device via USB and make sure debugging is working fine. 
2.Second you need to find out what the ip address that's assigned to your android device. Under your command prompt, run "./adb shell" follow by "netcfg" and quite the adb shell by issueing "exit"
3. Then issue the command "adb tcpip 5555"
4. follow by "adb connect [device ip]:5555"
5. There you are, you are now able to disconnect the USB and start to debugging with wire.

To switch back when done , issue the following :
"adb -s [device ip]:5555 usb"

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Useful FREE graphic tools for android development

Involved in some android app development recently. To make an app interesting, no doubt the image and graphics play a very important. As i am not a full time mobile app developer, nor a graphics designer, i prefer to search for some FREE tools that available to make my life easier while developing mobile application. Following are some of the FREE tool that i come across. Feel free to comment and recommend other tools that you find it useful.

Edit Photo For Free

And again, like always it's FREE... :>