Tuesday, May 05, 2015

View your Android Screen remotely in you PC without additional devices.

This is one of the way i found out to view screen of my Android device in my Windows PC wireless-ly and FREE-ly without any additional device. I found that it's useful when i am presenting some android app and feature during the presentation. and further more it's FREE and only with few lines of command. And here is it :

1. download and extract a java app from the following URL :
2. To run the app, you need to have java run time configured which i am going to discuss here.
3. Run the java app above and connect your android device via a USB cable. you should be able to see your android screen in your pc. However to make it run wireless, follow the following steps.
4. You need to find out what the ip address that's assigned to your android device. Under your command prompt, run "./adb shell" follow by "netcfg" and quite the adb shell by issueing "exit"
5. Then issue the command "adb tcpip 5555"
6. follow by "adb connect [device ip]:5555"
7. There you are, you are now able to disconnect the USB and start to view your android device screen without wire.

Hope you enjoy this FREE thing.