Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another FREE Stock Analysing Tools

There is another very awesome stock analsying tools available for download F.O.C.... yes.. again... Free Of Charge... This tools really a good news for those investor that prefer technical analysis. Just follow the link for the download :

FREE - More Advance Technical Analyst Tools

Some of the features are like following:

- 3 years of historical EOD(End-Of-Day) data.
- not only include Malaysia stock market, but US and Singapore as well.
- extensive list of popular indicators
- able to self customize indicators parameters
- included world indices for tracing global market movement.
- more than 20 kinds of chart available
- etc... hard to describe all the festures here... why not download and have a try your cost you nothing to try anyway...

Hope that you enjoy the tools... see you around.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

30% return on investment in 1 days.....*GUARANTEE

got so excite on the title... :P....
recently saw some books saying that in share market... we should always look for those stocks which are doing PROMOTION... 20% lah.. 30% lah.. less from it true intrinsic value... but do you think of applying it in your daily life.. check this out... i always find this kind of stuff usefull for me. .. espeacially when me and my colleague have no idea where to have our lunch... :P

30% return on your investment in food... immediately...

there's another Financial Gurus which mentioned - the Latte Factor... which mean.. every 3 ringgit you save everyday ... you could be a millionair in 30 years... check this out as well...

the first step to become an MILLIONAIR... Save today...

Turn your PC intoTV with 100s of channel!!! ......F.O.C

My dear friends, do you know that you can actualy turn your PC into a TV with 100's of channel.... F.O.C..... Yes.... u hear me right... FREE OF CHARGE. you can watch live football, NBA,Phoenix TV, HBO, even 我猜...and much much more.... with this tools:

SOPCast P2P Broadcasting

again my dear friend... enjoy the tools...


More Advance FREE KLSE Real-Time Stock Monitoring Tools

This is a more advance version of a FREE KLSE Real-Time Stock Monitoring Tools. It has included some extra features as below:

- Display price historical chart for certain stock.
- Provide some custom add stock filtering.
- setting email alert / SMS alert is yet to be added.
- source code provided if you want to do some manual modification. (GNU General Public License adopted)

you can download the tools using the following links :

you can download the tools using the following links :

JAVA Runtime

do enjoy the tool..... :P
FREE - Malaysia Realtime On-line stock monitoring tools.

There are a lot of peoples wondering how can they monitor the Malaysia KLSE market in REAL TIME for FREE. I have discover a tools shared in which is very usefull...... just grab a copy and run it...

anyway you need to install .Net framework 2.0 first which can be grab from :

.NET Framework 2.0

hope you enjoy the tools....
Welcome to FreeParadise...

Welcome to my newly establish blog.... all this while, i have been hoping to have my own blog. But yet to have time to create one for my self. Have own the account for some time already, but just leaving it there. I think it's time to make use of what i have now already. Time have been passing very very fast.

In my blog, i think i will mainly share some of my experiences regarding investment, money earning tools, programming, health, spiritual and some motivational material. From time to time, i will disclose some of the FREE resources,and tools regarding the topics i mentioned above.

Hope you enjoy your stay with me. Do share with me...... See you around


欢迎来到自由国度... 一直以来都想要拥有一个自己的部落格,但却没有时间去完成它.拥有这部落格户口也一段时间了,却一直把它搁置的...想想也是时候善用手上的资源了...毕竟...岁月不留人啊....

