I just notice that this doesn't happen to me alone, that after you inserted some text into the Homily Charting Tools and Save it, the chart will turn out like following:
Therefore, i would like to share out a small tool to help me resolve the problem. Just follow the following instructions :
1. download the following file (fix.exe) and save it in your "Homily Software folder\xg1\lne", for example "C:\Program Files\Homily Software\xg1\lne"
2. You may want to create a shortcut for the file fix.exe in your desktop.
3. That's it, every time you have this kind of black candles, just double click at fix.exe in your desktop.
4. Wolah... the chart can be display correctly now as following :
And again, it's provided FREE and use it at your own risk.
* Warning!!! Before running the tools, you might want to backup the files in Your Homily Folder. I will not be responsible for anything going wrong.